to describe or represent something fleeting or intangible, in a lasting medium
tell me:who are the buffalo billsand can you nametheir most famousof generals?
Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo.
That is a lot of Buffalo.
Are the Buffalo Bills not a sports team of some kind? And no, I don't think I can name one single general. No, that's a lie. I know one: General Romeo Dallaire, but he's Canadian.
yea football.they sometimes call a quarterback a general.
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tell me:
who are the buffalo bills
and can you name
their most famous
of generals?
Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo.
That is a lot of Buffalo.
Are the Buffalo Bills not a sports team of some kind? And no, I don't think I can name one single general. No, that's a lie. I know one: General Romeo Dallaire, but he's Canadian.
yea football.
they sometimes call a quarterback a general.
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