Tuesday, February 20, 2007

red velvet anything

It's all about babies around here lately. Two down, one to go. I got to be Lana's 11 day old's first babysitter. As much as I love the babies I have to say it's really nice to come home to only be responsible for myself. In that way being single ain't so bad! I can do anything, at anytime, with whomever I please. and just think of the money I saved not buying a Valentine's gift for some guy, not getting waxed, manicured, pedicured, or buying sexy lingerie. Ok, I do most of those things anyway but I do them when I want. I'm also spending time making my small home [read rental apartment] look nice. Slowly but surely it's coming together. The color scheme is dark brown/black contemporary furniture with warm beiges and accents of aqua. I got these adorable chocolate brown pillows with aqua fleur de lit[s]. It's getting to be really lovely. I don't feel so much like a student anymore.

I've also been experimenting with cooking these days. I've been very creative; I would even go as far as to say a culinary trendsetter as far as boxed lunches go. Co-workers often go out of their way to see what I've brought for lunch. Lately I've even wanted to bake something...for real. Hilary posted a recipe last week for red velvet cupcakes that I just HAVE to bake. And I don't bake so it should be interesting. I don't know what it is...something about eating red velvet anything just sounds good.

PS Blogger spell check doesn't work on my mac and so if I you find mistakes [and I so often do, after the fact], try to ignore them.


Anonymous said...

Hi Rachel,

I commented once quite a while ago but have just been reading of late.

Had to respond to this piece though - the third of my closest friends rang me this morning to tell me she's pregnant. That's all three of the closest mates I have having babies ... together ... in the same year ...

Rachel said...

You too? I know that all too well! My three best girlfriends told me one after another, about 6 months ago exactly. They were all due within three weeks of each other. The third just had her baby. It's a happy time but life altering for me really.